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How To Draw a Pumpkin Step by Step

Armando Elizondo
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I want to teach you how to draw my favorite autumn fruit, and that is the pumpkin. And yes! A pumpkin is considered a fruit and not a vegetable. Shocking, right? On that note, Let's get them pencils sharpened and tablet pens ready! 

Because, in this tutorial, I want to show you how to illustrate the classic orange pumpkin that graces through October and November. Nothing says "fall" like an assortment of these gorgeous autumn squashes. 

What tools to use?

In this tutorial, I am using Procreate 5 on an iPad7 with a first-gen apple pencil. And if you don't have Procreate. You can follow this tutorial with any other drawing app that has layers. 

Lastly, let us not forgot a pencil and paper. And this is my recommendation for any new artist because I think drawing apps can be a little confusing at times. Besides, trying to learn how to draw on a drawing software is double the work! My philosophy is to keep things simple for new artists. That's why I recommend a pencil and paper.

Pumpkin Photo Reference

Before we start drawing, let us get familiar with pumpkins and look up some photo references. As simple as this fruit may be, do not underestimate the power of photo references to spark some inspiration. Looking at photos can help you visualize the various shapes, colors, and surface textures of a pumpkin. Even the stems and leaves can add an extra level of detail to your drawing. The button below will take you to my Pinterest inspiration board.

Quick Warm-up Sketches

Are you inspired yet? Once you have a basic understanding of the pumpkin. I would recommend warming up with some quick sketches of pumpkins in various shapes and sizes. This exercise is to help warm up your hand and build confidence in yourself because nothing is more frightening to a new artist than a blank page. 

Step 1

The first step in drawing your pumpkin is to sketch out an oval and a rectangle shape for the stem. Procreate users, select the "Sketch Brush," and pick a blue color for the rough sketch. I like this tool because it replicates a real pencil very well. You can download my Procreate brush set at the link below.

Procreate Sketch Brush

Pencil and paper users, remember to keep your sketch drawing very light. I sometimes like using an H2 pencil lead for my layout sketch.

Step 1 - Rough Outline of Pumpkin

Step 2

The next step is to sketch out the details of the pumpkin. Draw out some curves on the oval portion of the pumpkin. These lines will represent the bumpy grooves. 

Step 2 - Rough Detail of Pumpkin

Step 3

Step three is for Procreate users only. Once your rough sketch is complete, take that layer and drop the opacity to 30%. Then create a second layer on top of your rough sketch. 

Step 3 - Lighten Pumpkin Sketch

Step 4

In Procreate, select the color black and refine the lines of your pumpkin. For people following with pencil and paper. Go over your sketch layout with more pressure and give contrast to the details you desire. Remember, you don't have to draw out everything on your rough sketch. 

Step 3 - Refine Details of Pumpkin

Step 5

Create a third layer on top of your refined pumpkin drawing. This layer is for any details like shadows or textures. For pencil and paper users, erase unwanted sketch marks, and then add details like shadows and textures. 

Step 4 - Shade the Pumpkin

Your layers panel should look something like this image below.

Procreate Layer Order for Pumpkin Drawing

Pumpkin Complete

If you have gotten this far in this tutorial, you should have a complete drawing of a pumpkin! Don't feel like you have to stop at this stage. You can add more pumpkins to your illustration and make a scene. You can also transform your pumpkins into Jack O'Lanterns! Let me know in the comments below if you would like to see a tutorial on how to draw a Jack O'Lantern.

I hope you've learned something from this tutorial. My goal is to help you understand how to draw a pumpkin and make it as easy as possible for you. And if you liked this lesson, feel free to share this article with your friends and family. Don't forget to follow me on social media too! I hope you have fun with this lesson.

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