Do you want to learn how to draw an Apple? Because I want to teach you how with my step by step tutorial. This lesson is perfect for beginners and people who are starting to learn how to draw. I believe learning how to illustrate simple objects like an apple is an excellent way to learn how to draw. This idea helps build confidence, and the way we build self-confidence is by completing small goals. My goal is to teach you how to draw an apple! Are you ready to learn how to draw an apple?
What you will need for this tutorial is a sheet of paper and a pencil. And that is it, but you can also follow these instructions using your favorite drawing app. Which is the method I used in creating this lesson. I created this tutorial using Procreate 5, using a standard textured brush. Don't worry if you don't have Procreate 5; you can follow these instructions with any other drawing app you like. If you are a Procreate 5 user, you can download my brush set at the link below.
Before we draw our first line on our piece of paper or blank digital canvas, we need to conduct a little research on apples! And did you know they are about 7,500 different types of apples in the world? Wow, that is a lot of apples we can look up! And thanks to the internet, we have a sea of information at the power of our fingertips! My favorite way to gather reach images is with Pinterest. Using Pinterest, you can create an inspiration board easily and pin all of your favorite photos in one spot. The link below will take you to my inspiration board. Check it out and get inspired!
After we finish conducting our research, it is good practice to warm-up your drawing hand with some quick sketches. And since the basic shape of an apple is a circle. Loosely sketch out some circles on a scratch sheet of paper or digital canvas. This exercise is to help build your self-confidence. Do this until you feel confident enough to draw an apple with detail.
Loosely sketch out a circle for the apple's overall shape. If you are drawing digitally, use blue for all your rough sketch lines. And if you are using a pencil, keep the pressure on your pencil very light!
For the stem of the apple, sketch out a thick curve and leaf.
Tapper down your circle and sketch out three bumps at the bottom. Think about a "red delicious apple" when adding the curves at the bottom. And the overall shape of your apple. The apple is thicker at the top and narrow at the bottom.
If you are following using a digital application such as Procreate 5. Drop the layer opacity of your rough sketch to about 30%.
People using pencil and paper should have their sketch drawn out very light.
For digital users, create a second layer and place it at the top of your sketch layer. Change the color of your brush from blue to black and trace your rough sketch with refined lines. You can also add extra detail to the apple's leaf in this stage.
If you are using pencil and paper, add more pressure to your pencil marks. When you add more force to your pencil, this helps create more contrast.
App users, create a third layer and place it at the very top of all your layers. Use this layer for your shadows and extra details.
For pencil and paper users, erase any unwanted rough sketch markings. Then shade in your apple. Remember to vary the pressure of your hand while shading.
You should now have a completed drawing of an apple! If you want to challenge yourself, draw more apples together! You can even overlap them or place them in a basket. The possibilities are endless!
Below is an example of what your layers panel should look like; this is the order.
I hope you enjoyed this lesson on how to draw an apple, and like always, feel free to share this tutorial with your friends or family! And also, don't forget to follow me on social media. If you need more help, feel free to contact me!
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